Sports is one of the favourite recreation activity of every generation. Watching sports is also one of the best social activity and we can witness in our surroundings that stadiums are full of people for every type of sports. You will be surprised to during match the people will be covering every inch of the field and watch their favourite players playing. But every once in a while, the spectator will move his head and will be watching a big structure in some corner of the stadium or ground. The big structure is the scoreboard.

One must be thinking why looking to the scoreboard after regular intervals will be necessary, as after seeing once you will be knowing the score of the match. But the other important thing on the scoreboard will be ticking clock. That makes spectator anxious and they will be following with regular intervals. As most of the sports in the world are time-bound and this race against time is not only for players but for spectators also.

In past usually, the scoreboards were manual. For example, there was an analogue clock hanged over the scoreboard and with each score, people update the scoreboard by hand. But that analogue clock cannot be seen by all the spectators if the size of the stadium is big. But with innovation in screens, now you will be seeing all the stadium ave shifted to LED Scoreboards. There are various reasons which make this shift possible.


LED scoreboards are convenient to operate. You don’t dedicate a person to stand by the board for a score update. It can be done remotely.


The LED boards have better visibility than conventional scoreboards. Because LEDs emits strong lights and this helps to keep board well lit even in low light conditions.

More information

On LED scoreboards, you can dis[play more information. As the information will be displayed digitally, so it is easy to change the message every time. This helps to give more reasons to spectators to look at the scoreboardĀ 


Even LED scoreboards is a good way of earning money. Now the stadium advertises different brands. Conventional scoreboards were also sponsored by companies but in case of LED scoreboards, you can cater more clients which ends in higher revenue. VisitĀ Electronic Signage Australia for more details.

Whenever you need LED scoreboard in Australia, just comes to Electronic Signage Australia (ESA). We have a wide range of LEDĀ scoreboard for sale. Even we can build custom made scoreboards as per customer preferences. We have profound experience in making scoreboards and it is our specialization.